e-Spurs Daily Dose

Hands up all those who realistically thought that we would sign Moutinho after the transfer window farce of last summer? Anyone? No thought not. Today those optimists amongst us were left feeling like Adebayor after a Swiss penalty when The news broke Mouts has left Porto for newly promoted French side Monaco.So that's 1 off that imaginary list that half of the Twittersphere claims to know the contents of even though the ink's probably still dripping off the biro that our very own sugardaddy - ol' uncle Joe (yes he does exist....really) used to write it up. After our lads drew 0-0 with the Reggae Boys in the Caribbean last night more links poured through including Benteke, Aulderwerield, and Damiao. The latter was again linked after his club President flew to London to attend the Champions League Final and according to....wait for it....The Daily Mail, he will meet Daniel Levy to offer us Damiao. How things change! COYSNightComment on The Daily Dose below and follow e-Spurs on Twitter www.twitter.com/e_spurs

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