Get The Pigs Out

Get The Pigs Out "The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple." Psalm 119:130 Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the pressure and stress that you face each day? In our society, just the busyness of life drains the energy out of most people, and they find it difficult to deal with even simple trials and difficulties they face in their daily lives. One of Satan's greatest weapons is to keep people so busy doing so many little things, that the most important things never get done. My grandfather had an old saying "you can't get the water to clear up until you get the pigs out of the creek". This simple statement is so true as until we get all the little things, and the busyness out of our lives we will never be able to concentrate on the things that are most important. The most important thing in your life is to make room for God, and if the pigs are in the creek muddying the water, you have to get them out before you can see clearly that God is the most important. You have to get your house in order, to free yourself of the unimportant things, that take time away from God. If you find yourself starting each day with a mountain of tasks facing you, ask God to give you His wisdom and understanding to manage your time. Get the pigs out of your life so that you can see clearly what things are important to do. God loves you, and loves you even more when you call on His name each day, and ask for His wisdom and guidance. He will freely give this to you if you will ask. Just remember that God longs to be good to those that are looking for His goodness. Ask Him to simplify your life, to remove the busyness, so that you can devote time for Him each day. Put Him first in all that you do, and He will get the pigs out of your life, and you will see be able to see clearly what is important. My Daily Devotional Volume Six May 9 Robert William Brock, Jr.

Get The Pigs Out Images

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How Big Do Pot Belly Pigs Get Mini Pigs GetThe Teacup Pig Blog
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so let s get the pig out of its sty
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Let's Get Messy Emergency BBQ Pig Out Kit - Archie McPhee & Co.
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