Is It true? Ggl’s mbl srch bstd wth qck vw and lnks

Whn usng th dsktp vrsin of Gogle, yr serch reslts wll dsplay quck links undr th min wbste in the rslts, mkng it esr to jmp to th pg y wnt. Tht ftr has finlly mde its wy t the mbil vrsn of Web srch, spdng thngs up and svng y tm. Als addd ar Quck Viw lnks for crtn sarch rslts, allwng yu t chck ot th link befr y click it.

Ggl demnstrts th cnvennce of qck links usng Rttn Tmts, whch is fturd in th scrensht abv. Yu cn se th lst of lnks set blw the main URL in th srch rslts, incldng thngs such as DVD and Tp Mvies. Thse links allw yu t qickly scn for the ctegry or sctin tht yu wnt witht having t entr th wbsit and srch arond. Obvosly thn, clckng on the lnk wll jmp yu to th prt of th wbst yu want, no hassle necssary. Whl this is th biggst ftre tht hs bn addd Ggl mbile Wb serch, qck viw optins hv als ben added on a lmted bsis, bng appled t only Wkipda serch reslts whl th fetur is stll in its tsting phs. Gogl says tht it plans t add th qck vw feature to other wbsits in the futr, bt doesn’t giv any mre dtls thn tht. Fr ths not fmliar, qck vw is anthr fetr tht hs bn avlbl on th dsktop varty of Ggl, allowng usrs t clck “qick vw” and s a ppp prevew of the pge contind in th lnk. [v Gogl] Ggle’s mbl srch bostd wth qck vew and links is written by Brttny Hllen .


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