New York plane crash-lands at Warsaw airport

New York plane crash-lands at Warsaw airport, A Boeing 767 flying from New York with 230 people on board made an emergency landing at Warsaw's airport on Tuesday after trouble with landing gear.All 230 passengers and crew aboard a Boeing 767 escaped unscathed after the aircraft made an emergency landing on its belly at Warsaw airport after a power failure knocked out its landing gear.The LOT Polish airlines flight from Newark, New Jersey made what experts have described as a textbook crash landing, sliding to a halt on its belly. Once stationary all four escape chutes deployed and passengers ran for safety as fire crews doused the engines.“The whole procedure went 100-per cent according to plan,” said Leszek Chorzewski, LOT’s spokesman. “Although it looked dramatic, nothing happened to the passengers.“The risk of a fire starting was low,” he added. “There were sparks from the metal scraping the tarmac but that was to be expected.Earlier Captain Tadeusz Wrona, the commander of the aircraft, had informed Warsaw air traffic control that he was unable to lower the undercarriage owing to a power failure. He was told to circle the airport for 30 minutes and jettison un-needed fuel as emergency services on ground were scrambled and prepared for the landing.One runway was cleared of all traffic and covered in foam by the fire brigade, and a fleet of ambulances arrived in case disaster struck.Two Polish air force F16 fighter aircraft also took to the skies to help guide the aircraft in.Aviation experts were quick to praise Captain Wrona and his crew.“What he did was exceptional,” said one former pilot interviewed for the Polish news channel TVN24. “He’s had around 15,000 flying hours and he, along with his crew, remained calm and composed.”Warsaw airport is due to remain closed till 8 o’clock Wednesday morning, with all incoming flights diverted to other airports in Poland.Bronislaw Komorowski, the Polish president, later said: “There was no failure: the system worked.“Everything went to plan thanks to skill and co-operation of all involved.” At a press conference Marcin Pirog, the LOT president, said he had been told there had been no panic on board, and passed on his admiration for the behaviour of the captain and his crew..“This could have ended very badly so we have to praise the crew for their handling of the situation.”

New York plane crash-lands at Warsaw airport Images

Plane Crash Lands at Polish Airport | Europe | World | Epoch Times
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Plane from New York with 230 crash lands in Warsaw
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VIDEO] Plane from New York Crash Lands in Warsaw
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Plane from New York crash lands in Warsaw | World | News | Barrie ...
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