Booz Allen, Mercosur & the Snowden SnowballJuly 20, 2013 — Dean Henderson   1995 Ecuador (4)On Tuesday in Atlanta, former President Jimmy Carter called the Edward Snowden NSA leak “beneficial to the nation”. Der Spiegel reported that Carter – speaking at an Atlantic Bridge meeting – said the US has “no functional democracy at this moment”. Earlier on CNN Carter said, “the invasion of human rights and American privacy has gone too far”.... SAIC received two House of Saud contracts in the late 1990’s worth $166 million, bringing the Royal Saudi Naval Forces communications and command systems up to speed.  SAIC often brings Saudi personnel to its San Diego headquarters for training.  The CIA contracted with SAIC to reassess Gulf War illness among US troops who served in the 1991 conflict.  In 1995 SAIC took over Network Solutions- the company that assigns domain names and “oversees” the Internet.... SAIC’s board includes former CIA Deputy Director and Naval TF-157 alumnus Bobby Inman, Nixon Defense Secretary Melvin Laird, retired Army General Maxwell Thurman, Bush Sr. CIA Director Robert Gates, Clinton CIA Director and Citigroup board member John Deutch and Clinton Defense Secretary William Perry.  SAIC runs the FBI Interstate Identification Index- a database of 30 million criminal histories- while holding investigative contracts worth $200 million with the IRS.... Both despite and because of the burgeoning spook industry, the Snowden snowball rolled all the way to South American, whose leaders gathered in Montivideo, Uruguay for the XLV Mercosur Summit last weekend. Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua all offered political asylum to Snowden.CONTINUE>> http://deanhenderson.wordpress.com/2013/07/20/booz-allen-mercosur-the-snowden-snowball/


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